Gospel Global Yeram Worship – 주 내 아버지 (부제 : 변함없이 우리를 일으키시네) My...

Yeram Worship – 주 내 아버지 (부제 : 변함없이 우리를 일으키시네) My Father

Download 주 내 아버지 (부제 : 변함없이 우리를 일으키시네) My Father Mp3 by

The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” perform a song of praise worship which is titled “주 내 아버지 (부제 : 변함없이 우리를 일으키시네) My Father“. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: 주 내 아버지 (부제 : 변함없이 우리를 일으키시네) My Father by

Your hand is holding on to me
Eternal God, You’re my refuge
When I keep heaving a deep sigh,
a hundred times, a thousand times, you will lift me up

My father oh my loved
You cover me with your mighty arms
My father oh my strength
a hundred times, a thousand times, you will lift me up

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