Download Awaken Love Mp3 by Kim Walker Smith
This great song of praise worship features “Kim Walker-Smith”, Jesus Culture is an American international Christian revivalist youth outreach ministry that was formed at the Bethel Church of Redding, California. This song is titled “Awaken Love“.
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Lyrics: Awaken Love by Kim Walker-Smith
Take me back to the moment of surrender
Heart completely Yours
Unafraid, just a child within Your presence
Trusting in You, Lord
Walk into this place
I give You space
Come and move around me
Meet me face to face
Stir my heart
Awaken love within me
Jesus, come
Jesus, come
My first love
My first love
I have wandered from Your love
Thought my strength was strength enough
I am done relying on myself
You’re the one who breaks my chains
You’re the one who calls my name
I will look to You and no one else