Motivation and Inspiration Helen Oje – Never Forsaken

Helen Oje – Never Forsaken

Helen Oje Never Forsaken

Download Never Forsaken Mp3 by Helen Oje

Hereโ€™s a song by the Nigerian Christian music minister and fast-rising praise worship leader โ€œHelen Ojeโ€ whose song has been a blessing to lives. The song is titled โ€œNever Forsakenโ€œ.

Never Forsaken” is a gospel song that was inspired by the Holy Spirit during a time of prayer concerning a challenging situation that seemed insurmountable. The song became a personal blessing, as, after receiving it, the situation that once appeared like a mountain was effortlessly resolved, as if it were just a sheet of paper. It is believed that the song will be a blessing to the entire world as well.

Get Audio Mp3, Share, Stream, and be blessed.


Helen ojemhen is a gospel artist living in Housten Texas, United States. She hails from Edo States Nigeria.
She was born on the 3rd of April and goes by the stage name Helen Oje. She started the gospel music since 2010 and her first release was “Iyob,” “Come Along,” “Mountain Mover,” “I am with the Master” and more produced by McRock studio and “Greater Light” produced by Okesoke in Nigeria.

Lyrics: Never Forsaken by Helen Oje

Never forsaken


You mean everything to me, Lord
In you live,
I move and have my being

Since I was young and now I am getting old, ooo
I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or his seed begging for bread ooo
For bread oooo

Though I walk through the valley,
of shadow of death I will fear no evil,
for thou are with me;
thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me
They do comfort, yeh eee

(Back to Chorus)
They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagle oo

This is the word of God
This is my song
The word of God is my song

Connect With Helen Oje

INSTAGRAM: helen_ojemhen
FACEBOOK: Helen Ojemhen Oshodi
TWITTER: @OjemhenH
YOUTUBE: Helen ojemhen



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