Top Christian Songs Foothills Collective – On That Sunday Morning (Reimagined) (Brandon Sharp Remix)

Foothills Collective – On That Sunday Morning (Reimagined) (Brandon Sharp Remix)

On That Sunday Morning Reimagined by Foothills Collective Brandon Sharp

Download On That Sunday Morning (Reimagined) Mp3 by Foothills Collective Ft. Darris Sneed (Brandon Sharp Remix)

A remix by Brandon Sharp of the beautiful song from ““, an American gospel music group & live performers titled “On That Sunday Morning (Reimagined)“.

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Lyrics: On That Sunday Morning (Reimagined) by Foothills Collective (Brandon Sharp Remix)

Early that morning sun came rising up
Something felt different in the air
Even three days could not hold Jesus down
No body found, He wasnโ€ฒt there

On that Sunday morning
The stone was rolled away
Your resurrection power
Was fully on display
No grave no death or darkness
Could ever keep You down
You shook the earth with the greatest miracle
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning

It wasn’t just history, Heโ€ฒs here today
I’ve seen that resurrection power
Brought me from darkness to see greater light
He’s alive, so Iโ€ฒm alive

On that Sunday morning
The stone was rolled away
Your resurrection power
Was fully on display
No grave no death or darkness
Could ever keep You down
You shook the earth with the greatest miracle
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning

They saw an ending
But life was just beginning
Your Kingdom moving
Spreading into all of the world

Iโ€ฒve looked for answers
In lonely places
But nothing could fill me
Till I saw your love face to face

I’ve got a future
Itโ€ฒs far from over
My life is new now
Only in Your power to save

On that Sunday morning
The stone was rolled away
Your resurrection power
Was fully on display
No grave no death or darkness
Could ever keep You down
You shook the earth with the greatest miracle

On that Sunday morning
The stone was rolled away
Your resurrection power
Was fully on display
No grave no death or darkness
Could ever keep You down
You shook the earth with the greatest miracle
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning
On that Sunday morning


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