Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs DOWNLOAD MP3: Grace Worship – Christ Be All

DOWNLOAD MP3: Grace Worship – Christ Be All

The American Christian worship team “” comes through with an amazing tune as this one is called “Christ Be All”, It’s a song from their yet to be released album titledCHRIST BE ALL”

Watch the performance below;

Get the lyrics below;

Oh, to be empty and lowly
Meek and unnoticed and unknown
And to God, a vessel Holy
Filled with Christ, and Christ aloneHow great is God?

His grandeur endless
How frail I come before His throne
I am lost in love relentless
That Christ be all, and I his ownMay Christ be all, and I be nothing
His glory shines in the vessels weak
May Christ be all, and I be nothing

This is my hope
Not I, but Christ in me
This is my hope
Not I, but Christ in meI am poor, and I have nothing
All my deeds cannot avail

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But Christ endured the Father’s crushing
He bowed His head as mercy bled
Peace to prevail
He bowed His head as mercy bled
Peace to prevailMay Christ be all, and I be nothing
His glory shines in the vessels weak
May Christ be all, and I be nothing
This is my hope
Not I, butโ€ฆ

Download Mp3, Stream, Share and be blessed.

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