Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs Darlene Zschech – Daylight

Darlene Zschech – Daylight

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Here’s a praise worship song which was written byย Darlene Zschech and Beth Gleeson. The video was released alongside its audio. It was performed and ministered by , as it is titled โ€œDaylightโ€.

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Lyrics: Daylight by

I will dwell in Your promise
In the light of Your truth
You’re the Hope that sustains me
Always safe here with You
You are here in the valley
You are here in the storm
You’re the glory of daylight
Breaking through like the dawn

You are God Most High
Yet You hear my cry and You run to my defense
I will walk unharmed
Angels all around
I will trust and not be moved

In Your love I’m protected
I will stand and I will sing
You’re the God of angel armies
Heaven’s wings over me
You’re the God of angel armies
Heaven’s wings over me
You’re the God of angel armies
Heaven’s wings over me

You won’t let go
You won’t give in
You surround me with Your love
Your Majesty it covers me
You surround me with Your love


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