Gospel Music Foreign and International Gospel Songs CeCe Winans – Fire (Mp3 & Lyrics)

CeCe Winans – Fire (Mp3 & Lyrics)

CeCe Winans Fire

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Priscilla Marie Winans Love, who is an American gospel singer and has won about 12 Grammy Awards and has also sold over 12 million records worldwide. Also, the best-selling female gospel singer of all time brings to us a song from her 2021 released album titled โ€œBelieve For Itโ€œ. It’s a song titled โ€œFireโ€œ.

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If You’re a lover of good and great Gospel/Christian music, be it Afro-Gospel or contemporary tune, then this song โ€œFireโ€ is a beautiful song that should lift your soul.

The song โ€œFireโ€ is a melody and tune that was written due to inspiration by the Holy Ghost, as this song was made to bless lives and build your faith in Christ the Lord. The beautiful lyrics, vocals, energy, and inspiration used in birthing this song will thrill you

Lyrics: Fire by

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

Like it did on the day of Pentecost
Rushing in like a mighty wind
Fill us up with Your presence and Your power
Lord do it again

We are here crying out on one accord
Let the heavens touch the earth
Come and light a passion in our hearts
And Lord let it burn

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

My prayer tonight is that God would be glorified
And that the world will come to know who He is

Overwhelmed by Your glory and Your grace
You consume us with Your love
Give us more and more of who You are
We can’t get enough

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

You’re the only one who can bring new life
You’re the only one who can light this fire
You’re the only one who can bring new life
(Bring new life)
You’re the only one who can light this fire
(Light this fire)

Fire fire
Fall on us
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

(Fire fall down)

Fire (we need it)
(Oh yeah)
Fall On Us
(Baptize us)
Start a new revival
(Revival never ends)
Fire fall on us

(Sing it again fire)

Fire fire
(Fire fall down)
Fall on us
(Start a new revival)
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

(Fire fall down on us)
Fire fire
(We need it, we need it, we need it)
Fall on us
(Have Your way)
Start a new revival
Fire fall on us

Acts 2 and 1 says
When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Verse 4.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Just like He did it before
Help me let Him know we need him to do it again

Just like You did it before
Lord we are ready for more
Just like You did it before
Lord we are ready for more
(Just like)
Just Like You did it before
(Lord we)
Lord we are ready for more
(Just like)
Just like You did it before
(Lord we)
Lord we are ready for more
(Just like)
Just like You did it before
(On Pentecost)
Lord we are ready for more
(Just Like)
Just like You did it before
(In the upper room)
Lord we are ready for more

(Lord, we)
Lord we are ready for more
Lord we are ready for more
(Right now)
Lord we are ready for more
(Baptize us in the Holy Ghost)
Lord we are ready for more

You know what
I’ve been walking with the Lord a long time
And I have to have the Holy Ghost
And the Holy Ghost and fire moving inside of me
In order for me to live the life that He wants me to live

I need the Holy Ghost
I need the Holy Ghost and fire
Fill me with the Holy Ghost
Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire
(I need) I need the Holy Ghost
(I need) I need the Holy Ghost and fire
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire

(I need) I need the Holy Ghost
(To live right) I need the Holy Ghost and fire
(To walk right) fill me with the Holy Ghost
(To love my neighbor) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire

(I need) I need the Holy Ghost
(I need) I need the Holy Ghost and fire
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire

I need the Holy Ghost
(To live right) I need the Holy Ghost and fire
(I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it)
Fill me with the Holy Ghost
Fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire

(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire
(Oh) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire
(Fill me) fill me with the Holy Ghost and fire


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