Gospel Music Nigerian Gospel Songs Anime Ebuga – Tare Da Yesu (Together With Jesus)

Anime Ebuga – Tare Da Yesu (Together With Jesus)

Anime Ebuga Tare Da Yesu

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Here's a song by the Nigerian Christian music minister and fast-rising praise worship leader “” whose song has been a blessing to live. The song is titled “Tare Da Yesu“.

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The song was birthed from a consciousness of the companionship we have with Jesus now and forever and it was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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Lyrics: Tare Da Yesu by

Verse 1
Mai Cetona in ka ber ni ya za in yi
Har abada ba za ka taba yashe ni ba
Ka na tare da ni har ka yafe zunubaina
Uba, Ubangiji …. Yesu, Yesu Tsarki
Mai Soyina na ba ka rai da zuchiya na
A karshe duniya tare da Kai ni zan je

zan je Tare da Yesu na, Tare da Allah naaa, Tare da Yesu, Tare da Yesu, Tare da Allah na

Verse 2:
There's no going back
There's no turning back for me
Forever it is and yes for ever it will be
Just strengthen me to keep to this Mai cetonaaaaaa

Verse 1
Mai Cetona in ka ber ni ya za in yi
Har abada ba za ka taba yashe ni ba
Ka na tare da ni har ka yafe zunubaina
Uba, Ubangiji …. Yesu, Yesu Tsarki
Mai Soyina na ba ka rai da zuchiya na
A karshe duniya tare da Kai ni zan je

Tare da Yesu(x3)
Tare da Yesu na

Connect with Anime Ebuga

IG- @animeebuga
Tiktok- @classymommyGO

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