Gospel Global 7 Hills Worship – Closing Distance

7 Hills Worship – Closing Distance

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The renowned Global Christian music team of praisers and worshippers whose songs have blessed lives “” perform a song of praise worship which is titled “Closing Distance“. This song is sure to bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

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Lyrics: Closing Distance by

Worthy, no matter what you do
Lord you're still perfect
In every move you make there is a purpose
If ever there is praise God you deserve it

Holy, I'm brought down to my knees in your presence
When your love is near it feels like heaven
Father, let my worship close the distance

Oh, letting go, I want to dance with you
So, I'm drawing close, I want to worship you

Promise, you never made a promise you don't honor
I lay my ambitions at the altar
Forever I'm in love with you my Father

Take, my heart, as broken as I am, as fragile as I stand
Take, my hand, and show me once again, the life I'm meant to live.

I'm lost in conversation with the pages
It's telling a love story for the ages
Let your word inhabit all my praises.

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